Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

Today we reviewed the homework from the weekend. I returned quiz 7 and reviewed the answers. Students can retake the quiz until Wednesday after school. Students worked on the posters tomorrow. Groups will be given 15 minutes tomorrow to finish their posters in class, then turn them in.

Homework: Watch the video on web code bce-0704 and take Cornell Notes. Prepare three questions on things you are not clear about from the video or three questions to write in the margin of your Cornell Notes under study questions.

Binder Check tomorrow:

Textbook p. 385 - 386 #1-9 (10 points)
Worksheet "Practice 7-3" #1-9 (10 points)
376 #17-18 (10 points)

Worksheet “Practice 7-2” all problems (10 points)

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