Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014

Homework: p. 486-487 #5-11 (skip 7 & 8)

You have a quiz tomorrow and must understand how to each of these problems. 

Answer Key for p. 484 – 487 #s 1 – 11 (skip 7 and 8)

1. Subtract the mean from each element in the data set, then add all the difference to get a sum of            zero. This verifies the mean of 74 is the balancing point. 
     a.    Answers may vary. Sample: Add 20 points to five different scores
     b.   Answers may vary. Sample: Change the top 11 scores to 100.
2. B
3. 3 x  
4. a. Subtract 1 from every element in the set. The mean and the median will also be 1 less. 
        b. Add 10 to every element in the set. The mean and the median will also be 10 more. 
5. a. 10, b. 5, c. -10, d. 289 
6. D
9. a. 0, 
        b. 0, 
        c. This exercise shows that if you take the differences of the mean of a  data set and each data     
point in the set, then add them all together, the sum is 0. 
   10. no
   11. D

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