Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

Today in class period 3 finished their group project and will reconvene tomorrow to earn their stamps. Period 3 will have a quiz tomorrow related to the homework on page 420 in the textbook #1-20.

Periods 4-7 took Quiz #2 on using Bhaskara's method to proving the Pythagorean Theorem. They also received Quiz #1 and were told there is an opportunity to retake this quiz for a better grade. If a student is interested in retaking this quiz they must make corrections on the original paper and submit it to me no later than February 11th at 2:30 pm.

Homework Due for all periods:
Prepare binder to get checked
Workbook Page 397 #1-16 (use the textbook to help with #s 11-16)
Cornell Notes Study Questions and Summary (use Costa's Level of Questions to label the questions "L" for low level and "H" for high level questions. You must write a minimum of 3 questions.)

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