Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in class we worked in groups on completing the Chapter 1 Practice test. Homework due tomorrow Oct. 8th - Page 71 #1-9 and Page 72 #19-31

The answers below are meant for you to check your work.
1. Coplanar
2. Segment
3. Congruent
4. Midpoint
5. Angle Bisector
6. Conjecture
7. Postulate or Axiom
8. Parallel Lines
9. Obtuse Angle

Answers may vary. I only give one example of acceptable answers here:
19. Line AQ and Line QR
20. A, Q and R
21. Plane AQTD and Plane BRSC
22. Line AD, Line TD, Line CD
23. Always
24. Sometimes
25. Never
26. Always
27. -7, 3
28. 0.5
29. m=15
30. x = 31
31. a. Angle ADB, Angle BDC
b. Angle ADE, Angle EDF
c. Angle ADC, Angle EDF

If you have any questions email them to me at

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