Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework Due: 9/11/2013 
If you were in class today your task is to come up with a different method of solving the "Crossing the River" problem. Your goal is to beat the number of times you were able to get all of the adults and children to the other side of the river. See if you can come up with the least number of trips possible. Be sure to follow the rules in the prompt. 

If you were absent from class because you attended the assembly or were ill be sure to complete numbers 1 and 2 and be prepared to join a group who has already been working on this problem.

Crossing the River

You are on a camping trip with your family and your friend's family during a summer vacation. Your party consists of six adults and four children. While on a hike, you come upon a river that you will need to cross in order to continue on your hiking trail. At the edge of the river your friend’s father finds a small boat. It can accommodate only one adult at a time. Or it can accommodate at most two children. It will not hold one adult and one child at the same time. Everyone is capable of rowing the boat.

Part A
  1. How many one-way trips does it take for every one to reach the other side of the river? Around trip counts as two one-way trips. Be sure to obey the safety rules about the number of passengers that can be in the boat at one time.
  2. Draw a visual of the crossing operation so someone who looked at your diagram would understand how you arrived at your answer to question #1. 

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