Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014

Today students worked on developing their understanding of how different representations (frequency table, dot plot, histogram, etc.) affect how you interpret data.

Homework: p. 489-490 #3-6 p. 491 #1-3

Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014

Today students took a quiz.

Homework: p. 488 read and answer #1-2.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014

Homework: p. 486-487 #5-11 (skip 7 & 8)

You have a quiz tomorrow and must understand how to each of these problems. 

Answer Key for p. 484 – 487 #s 1 – 11 (skip 7 and 8)

1. Subtract the mean from each element in the data set, then add all the difference to get a sum of            zero. This verifies the mean of 74 is the balancing point. 
     a.    Answers may vary. Sample: Add 20 points to five different scores
     b.   Answers may vary. Sample: Change the top 11 scores to 100.
2. B
3. 3 x  
4. a. Subtract 1 from every element in the set. The mean and the median will also be 1 less. 
        b. Add 10 to every element in the set. The mean and the median will also be 10 more. 
5. a. 10, b. 5, c. -10, d. 289 
6. D
9. a. 0, 
        b. 0, 
        c. This exercise shows that if you take the differences of the mean of a  data set and each data     
point in the set, then add them all together, the sum is 0. 
   10. no
   11. D

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014

Today in class students learned to determine how meaningful mean, median and mode are for a set of data. They also interpreted data lists and frequency tables.

Homework: p. 484-485 #1-4

To determine the "balancing point"you must subtract the mean from each number in the data set. You then add all those differences and should get zero to show that the mean is the "balancing point." I will post a picture of an example on Instagram. I am having difficulty posting it here to the blog today.

Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014

Today students did an in class activity where they were given a set of test scores and needed to determine the mean and median. Then students needed to adjust the numbers to have a higher mean while maintaining the old median. Then students needed to adjust the median of the original set of numbers while keeping the same mean. Students shared their different methods to the solution.

Homework: Answer the following questions in your Cornell Notebook. You may use the Internet or any other source to help you answer the following two questions:

  1. What characteristics of a data set affect each measure (mean, median, mode)? For example, an outlier is a characteristic that affects the mean.
  2. In what situations would one average (mean, median, mode) be more meaningful to use than the other average(s). (Remember the example I gave today in class about my boss wanting to know my class average and which average I would choose to tell him). Give an example of when it is best to use the mean, when it is best to use the median and when it best to use the mode. Be very specific.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

Today students learned when it is most appropriate to use mean, median or mode to support a claim they are trying to make.

Students also determined how to change the median in a large data set to manipulate the median value.

Homework - p. 481 #1-2 (Period 6 needs to complete #7c)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 2014

Today in class students analyzed data to make conclusions to support a claim. (#2 from the packet).

Homework: p. 479-480 #3-8. Must show all work in your Cornell Notebook

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014

Today students took a test on the Geometric Mean. I introduced the new unit on statistics. All students were given a packet that they will need for the remainder of the school year. We collected data for an experiment we will complete in class tomorrow.

Homework: packet p. 478 #2. Be sure to read the prompt at the bottom to complete the writing assignment.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014

Today students worked in groups to prepare for the test they will have tomorrow on Geometric Mean. Today I also conferenced with students about grades.

Homework: Complete "Worksheet on Geometric Mean" and be prepared for tomorrow's test. Below is the answer key for you to check your work.


Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014

Today -

Periods 3 & 4 - Completed "Practice 7-4" and Textbook p. 394 # 1-24. You will have a test on Monday which will consist of similar problems from p. 394

Periods 6 & 7 - Completed "Practice 7-4" and got a second stamp when completed with 100% accuracy. You will be checking your answers for p. 394 #1-24 on Monday and getting a test review for your test on Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 14, 2014

Today in class students deconstructed the diagram we created on Monday. We used this to help us answer questions from last night's homework assignment and continued to develop our fluency of using the geometric mean.

Homework: Textbook p. 394 #1-24

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014

Today in class I stamped the notes student took from the video on finding the Geometric Mean.

We continued with notes on finding the geometric mean using parts of a right triangle.

Homework: Workbook p. 385 "Practice 7-4" all problems.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014

Today I distributed the Chapter 7 Test Review Packet and students worked on it all period. I will be on campus tomorrow in a professional devleopment and will have a sub. I will leave the answer key with the sub and Mrs. Maldanado will be available to help students.

I will post the answer key after school tomorrow here on my blog.

You can comment here with any questions you have form the review packet or email me with a question at

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

Today we reviewed the homework from the weekend. I returned quiz 7 and reviewed the answers. Students can retake the quiz until Wednesday after school. Students worked on the posters tomorrow. Groups will be given 15 minutes tomorrow to finish their posters in class, then turn them in.

Homework: Watch the video on web code bce-0704 and take Cornell Notes. Prepare three questions on things you are not clear about from the video or three questions to write in the margin of your Cornell Notes under study questions.

Binder Check tomorrow:

Textbook p. 385 - 386 #1-9 (10 points)
Worksheet "Practice 7-3" #1-9 (10 points)
376 #17-18 (10 points)

Worksheet “Practice 7-2” all problems (10 points)

Friday, May 2, 2014

April 5, 2014

Today in class students continued to work on the task "Identifying Similar Triangles." We will be comparing our work against the work of other groups on Monday.

Homework: textbook p. 385 - 386 #1-9. Show all work

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1, 2014

Today students in periods 4 and 6 were given a task called "Identifying Similar Triangles." No additional homework was assigned tonight and students will complete this task on Friday when we resume our classic schedule.