Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014

Period 3: Today students took a quiz to show how Bhaskara's Method can be used to prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

Periods 4-7: Today we took Quiz 1 for semester 2. We cut out 8 congruent triangles and constructed two squares using 4 congruent triangles to show what Bhaskara and Pythagora's used to prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Today we continued to look at more ways to prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

Period 3: Study the Bhaskara Proof and be prepared to prove it for tomorrow's quiz.

Period 4 - 7: Study your Cornell Notes, review the homework from Monday and be prepared for a quiz on section 8.1

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

Today in class we worked on the first proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. We will continue exploring different proofs this week.

Homework Due 1/30

Due 1/30/14 Complete the "Investigating the Pythagorean Theorem" Assignment that was reviewed at the end of class today. Be sure to use the "Guide for Writing Responses in Mathematics" to help you with the written part of the assignment.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014

Today in class we reviewed homework. We took notes today on area formulas and proving if triangles have a right angle.

Period 3: Homework Due 1/29/14 - "Investigating the Pythagorean Theorem" complete the directions on graph paper use the "Guide for Writing Mathematics" to complete the explanation section (step 3).

Periods 4, 6, 7: Complete p. 420 #1-20 and be ready to get a stamp tomorrow.

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27, 2014

Today we started semester 2 and Chapter 8. We started notes and examples of the Pythagorean Theorem in class today. Tomorrow we will be working on proving why the Pythagorean Theorem works.

Homework Due 1/28: Page 420 # 1-20 Must show all work and draw a diagram for #s 16 and 17. I will also be checking calculators tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 21, 2014

Below are the answers to the final exam review packet.

1.       A

2.        B

3.       C

4.       C

5.       B

6.       A

7.       D

8.       Skip this problem

9.       B

10.   A

11.   A

12.   C

13.   C

14.   C

15.   A

16.   C

17.   a.Y=(-3/4)x-2; b. y=(-4/3)x+2; c. y=(4/3)x-2; d. y=(-4/3)x-2

18.   a

19.   a

20.   d

21.   a

22.   b

23.   b

24.   c

25.   Skip this problem

26.   C

27.   A

28.   D

29.   B

30.   A

31.   Skip this problem

32.   C

33.   A

34.   A

35.   13x8,888,888=115,555,544

36.   Noncollinear

37.   Line VW; any three noncollinear points can be used to name the plane

38.   Skip this problem

39.   At week 7, May will have 13 customers

40.   Ray CD

41.   Ray ON or Ray OM


43.   15 *Must use absolute value to solve

44.   X=8

45.   Point D

46.   58

47.   26

48.   Angle FEG = 68; angle HEG = 112

49.   Angle EOB

50.   180, 90

51.   Straight, adjacent

52.   52

53.   X = 42

54.   X= 60

55.   Skip this problem

56.   Angle 5 = 147

57.   X=2

58.   X=1

59.   X=17

60.   Y=59; x= 66

61.   Y=34; x=81

62.   Angle Q = 69

63.   Angle 1 = 90

64.   Angle k = 69

65.   Angle x = 75; y=61; z = 105

66.   X=77;z=103;y=64

67.   Scalene

68.   Acute

69.   Obtuse

70.   Right

71.   X=66

72.   X=11

73.   X=77

74.   X=53

75.   Hexagon

76.   10

77.   8

78.   Y=57;x=101

79.   X=36

80.   X=54

81.   84

82.   Angle A = 73

83.   106

84.   111

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014

Today in class we continued to review for the final exam. This weekend students must work through the textbook to find problems from Chapters 1 and 3 that are similar to problems from the final exam review packet to extend their studies.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014

Today in class students received their test from sections 3.5-3.6. I reviewed the first 20 problems from the Final Exam Review Packet. Students are expected to complete the packet tonight and be prepared to go over problems tomorrow in class.

Homework Due: Final Exam Practice Packet #1-84 (#1-40 was due the previous night)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014

Today in class we took Quiz #9 on Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. This is a formative assessment and students got feedback as they worked on what they were doing correctly and incorrectly. This quiz needs to be completed tonight as homework as well as textbook p. 179 #40-43. Tomorrow students will be taking a test on section 3-7.

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2013

Today in class students resumed the partner work they started last Thursday. Students were presented with a rectangle and the linear equation to one of it's sides and need to write the equation to the other three lines. If this was not completed in class then it must be completed as homework tonight. The given equation of one line is y=2x+3.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014

Today in class we did a partner activity called "Finding Equations of Perpendicular and Parallel Lines." This activity took the whole class period and I did not collect homework today. I will be collecting last night's homework tomorrow along with the homework assignment for tonight.

Homework Due 1/10/2014: C-Notes Summary and Study Questions for 3-7 Perpendicular Lines

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today in class students were given back the Cell Phone Plans Assignment (except to period 4, which will be given back tomorrow). Students are given an opportunity to revise their analysis and can turn it in tomorrow to recover lost points.

We finished section 3-7 and reviewed homework.

Homework Due 1/9/2014: Page 178 #29-34

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7, 2014

Today in class we continued 3-7 and learned how to write equations of perpendicular lines.

Homework Due 1/8/14: Page 178 #16-28 AND write a summary and study questions for the the notes we finished today on parallel lines. I will be stamping your Cornell Notes tomorrow.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

Today we started 3-7 Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Homework Due 1/7/14
Page: 177 #s 1-15 AND Summary and Study Questions for today's C-Notes (remember you must write a minimum of 3 study questions use a mixture of high and low level questions)