Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today in class we continued to work in groups on the polygon graph.

Homework Due: 11/22/13
Cornell Notes study questions and summary for 3-5
Study for quiz tomorrow specifically number 44 on page 162
Sorry for the late post. Yesterday in class students reviewed how to determine the interior angle of any polygon when the exterior angle is expressed as an unknown variable (x), then determine the number of sides of that polygon using two methods.

We reviewed the definitions of independent and dependent variable and how to set them up on the coordinate system.

Students were assigned to a group where they were given a task to determine the degrees of angles for polygons when given the numbers of sides. They must graph this data today and we will have a follow up discussion on interpreting the graph.

Homework Due 11/21/13 - Cornell Notes study questions (minimum of 3 - variety of high and low leveled questions) and summary (response to the essential question and what you learned).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today in class we looked at how to determine the number of sides of a polygon when given just one exterior or one interior angle. This will be a skill you will need to demonstrate on the quiz this Friday.

To practice this new skill we completed problems 40-44 from the textbook on page 161.

Tomorrow we are going to start a graphing exercise and you will need to know the difference between a dependent and independent variable.

Homework Due 11/20/2013 - Define Independent Variable and Dependent Variable and provide 5 examples that show this type of relationship. The example I gave in class is the amount of time spent studying (independent variable) and GPA (dependent variable).

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today in class we did the following problem as the warm-up to class:
Miles said that he measured an angle of a regular polygon to be 130°. Explain why this is impossible.

This problem took us quite some time to complete and discuss. We took some notes on working backwards when given the total measure of degrees on regular polygons as well as determining the number of sides of a regular polygon when given the degree of one angle.

Homework Due 11/19/2013
Textbook p. 162 #s 26-27 (must draw the diagrams), p. 163 #47-49

Friday, November 15, 2013

Today in class we:
  • Took a quiz on the polygon angle sum theorem
  • Studying the properties of Regular Polygons
  • Derivied the theorem for the sum of the exterior angles for any polygon
  • Reviewed last night's homework and turned it in
Homework Due: 11/18/2013
  • Workbook p. 301 (show all work, tear out and hole punch)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today in class:
  • Collected homework
  • Returned Ch. 3 Test
  • Gave most up to date progress report
  • Students did an activity to derive the Polygon-Angle Sum Theorem (3-5)
Homework Due 11/15
  • Get progress report signed by your parent if it is below 70%
  • Textbook page 161 #11-15, #22-25

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today in class I gave students 15 additional minutes to work on the Regular Polygons activity that was started in class yesterday.

Today I started Cornell Notes for 3-5.

Homework Due 11/14/13: Textbook page 161 #1-10 and #16-21 ALSO finish the Regular Polygon construction activity if it is not complete. I will be collecting it tomorrow.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today we did a warm-up that required a stamp. If you were absent be sure to see the print out on Wendesday. I collected the homework assignment which was to re-do page 299 from the workbook and write your corrections on a separate piece of paper.

There is no new homework assigned for this weekend. We will begin learning about the Polygon-Angle Sum Theorem (3-5) on Wednesday. I will be out on Tuesday for Professional Development. You will be doing a construction actvity with Mr. Z that will be due at the end of the period.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today students took the Chapter 3 (sections 3.1-3.4) Test.

Homework Due 11/8/2013
Correct all mistakes made on page 299 from the workbook on a separate piece of paper.

We will be starting section 3.5 tomorrow. Be sure to being a protractor to class.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today in class we DID NOT take the test. Considering today is advisory schedule, I decided that I would like to have an additional day of review. The test will take place tomorrow Thursday, 11/7.

Homework Due 11/7:
  • Re-do worksheet page 299. Only the problem you got incorrect on another sheet of paper.
  • Only period 3 and 4 got their worksheets back. If you are in period 6 or 7 you will get this paper back tomorrow and it will be your homework for Thursday night.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today in class we reviewed how to prove (using properties of parallel lines) why the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. Remember you will see this problem on tomorrow's test so be sure to study the warm - up from class today in addition to the practice test.

Homework: Study for the Chapter 3 test using the practice test, "Building Stairs" assignment (know how to use the the transitive property in a two column proof) and the warm - up from class today.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today in class I returned the "Building Stairs" Problem Solving activity using the UPS check method. I reviewed the proper way to write the two column proof assciated with this problem.

I finished lecturing on 3-4.

Homework Due Tuesday 11/4:
  • Write a minimum of 3 Study Questions (at least one high level ?) and Summary for Cornell Notes on 3-4
  • Prepare for tomorrow's binder check by having the following items
    • C-Notes: 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 (Be sure all topics have study questions and summary)
    • Wam-ups: 10/21, 10/24, 10/28
    • Homewok: 10/21 (p. 137 #'s 1-4), 10/22 (p. 144 #'s 14-21), 10/28 (p. 150 #'s 1-15)
    • Classwork: "Building Stairs"
  • Chapter 3 Practice Test (complete as much as you can independently so that you are ready for tutorials tomorrow)