Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Answer Key for Final Exam Review Packet

1.       A

2.       C

3.       B

4.       C

5.       C

6.       A

7.       A

8.       B

9.       B

10.   B

11.   B

12.   D

13.   C

14.   B

15.   D

16.   B

17.   A

18.   C

19.   D

20.   A

21.   B

22.   A

23.   D

24.   A

25.   A

26.   A

27.   D

28.   B

29.   C

30.   A

31.   D

32.   B

33.   B

34.   B

35.   C

36.   D

37.   D

38.   D

39.   D

40.   B

41.   C

42.   A

43.   B

44.   B

45.   C

46.   D

47.   A

48.   A

49.   C

50.   B

51.   C

52.   D

53.   B

54.   A

Short Answer See Pictures below

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Today in class I reviewed questions students had from the final exam review packet. I passed out 3x5 index cards which the students will be able to use on the day of the final exam.

There will be a final notebook check on the day of the final exam.

- packet p. 509 #8,9,11-14
- packet p.499-500 #1-5
- packet p. 489 - 490 #3-6 p. 491 #1-3

Each assignment is worth 10 points if stamped and 5 points if not stamped. I will be collecting notebooks and assigning credit to these assignments on the day of the final exam.

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014

Students were taught how how to calculate what grade they will need to earn on the final exam to earn a specific letter grade for the semester.

I distributed the final exam review packet and students worked on it in class.

Homework: Complete as much of the final exam review packet as possible and come to class on Monday prepared with questions.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014

Today students took the final quiz for the statistics unit. I will be distributing the final exam review packet tomorrow and students will be spending time in class and at home preparing for this exam that will make up 20% of their overall grade.

No new homework tonight. Missing assignments can be turned in by tomorrow for half credit.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4, 2014

Today students learned how to use two - way frequency tables to organize and display categorical data. Students also analyzed two - way tables to determine if two categorical variables are associated or independent.

Classwork: p. 503 - 505 #1-6

Homework: p. 509 #8,9,11-14

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

Today in class students learned how to make paired comparisons using a five number summary of data sets. Students also used a box and whiskers plot to display data to be interpreted.

Homework: packet p. 499-500 #1-5 (use data from the 30 second timed exercise we did a couple of weeks ago)

Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014

Today students worked on developing their understanding of how different representations (frequency table, dot plot, histogram, etc.) affect how you interpret data.

Homework: p. 489-490 #3-6 p. 491 #1-3