Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014

Today students took quiz #3 which assessed their ability to construct right triangles to scale and determine the steepness of the ramp (hypotenuse) by comparing each ramps height to width ratio as well as it's angle of inclination.

I did not check homework today so be sure #1-3 from the problem solving worksheet is complete. I will be checking that assignment on Monday.

If you were absent for the quiz today you must take it on Monday during lunch. I will be at a meeting after school on Monday.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

Today in class students took notes on simlar triangles and learned about proportions. Students were given problems to solve in groups. Homework tonight is complete problems #1-3.

Quiz 3 tomorrow review the following:
  • how to calculate ratios
  • know the two ways to determine the steepness of a ramp
  • know how to construct a ramp when given the angle of inclination and ramp length (hypotenuse)
  • You will need a protractor and calculator and I am not loaning out any of mine. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

Today in class we learned about the characteristics of an Isosceles Right Triangle (45-45-90) and right triangles which have a width twice the length of its height.

I went over the answers to the classwork we did yesterday and made the announcement that there is a quiz this Friday based on this same work.

Homework: Finish workbook pages 149-151.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

Today in class students continued to work on the in-class experiment looking at the ratio of the height of a ramp in relation to its width. Students who did not complete this exercise are expected to finish for homework tonight in addition to the following assignment.

Workbook pages 149-151. Use textbook section 8-3 as a resource. Also, bring calculator and protractor.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Today in class I stamped the two homework assignments from Friday.

We began class by discussing how trigonometry is used in the real world. Students took notes on ratios. I demonstrated what happens to the ratio of the width and height of a ramp as the slope increases.

We ended class by getting an investigation that will be completed in class tomorrow.

Homework Due: Bring a protractor and scientific calculator to school tomorrow.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Februrary 21, 2014

Today in class I stamped h/w. Student got back into the same group as yesterday and completed the textbook assignment from yesterday.

Students who finished the textbook assignment, got the real world application (Golf Problem). We will complete this task in class on Monday.

Homework Due 2/24/2014:
  • Using the Internet research 5 different ways trigonometry is used in the real world
  • Select 5 problems from the 17 on the worksheet that was handed out today. If you were absent today see the class Instagram @KeepingGeometry100 for a picture of the homework assignment.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

Today in class students worked in groups to complete the following problems:
Textbook page 421 #27-29 and page 422 #50-52

Each set of 3 questions required a stamp (total of 2 stamps) that is worth class participation points. If your group did not finish the 6 problems in class you are required to finish the remaining problems for homework tonight.

Homework Due 2/20/14: Workbook p. 142-145. Tear out and use 8-1 in the textbook to complete. This will be stamped at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014

Today students took the first exam of the semester on Proving the Pythagorean Theorem.

I checked binders. If you were absent today be sure to get your binder checked upon returning to school.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

Today in class students were given a test review in preparation for the proof test tomorrow.

I will be checking binder's tomorrow for the following assignments:
  • Pythagora's Proof (20 pts)
  • Bhaskara's Proof (20 pts)
  • Garfield's Proof (20 pts)
  • Quiz 2 (will be returned to periods 6 and 7 tomorrow)
  • Cornell Notes on Trapezoids (5)
  • Homework Worksheet on Simplifying Radicals (10)
*If you do not have stamps on your assignment I highly recommend that you complete them for partial credit.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13, 2014

Period 3/4: Students finished writing up the formal pragraph proof for the Trapezoid method. will Students have a test this upcoming Tuesday where you will need to correct errors for a ficticious (fake/pretent) student and complete the entire proof for one out the the three we have been studying (Bhaskara, Pythagoras and Trapezoid)

Period 6/7: Students finished working out the proof for the Trapezoid method in clas and must write up a formal paragraph proof due Tuesday 2/17.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Homework Due 2/13/2014
Period 3: Write up the formal proof for proving the Pythagorean Theorem using the Trapezoid method we did in class today. Also, complete the worksheet on simplifying radicals

Period 4: Finish the proof of the Pythagorean Theorem using the Trapezoid Method we started in class today.

Period 6: Determine if the isosceles triangle in the trapezoid is a right triangle.

Period 7: Determine if the isosceles triangle in the trapezoid is a right triangle.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014

Today in class student submitted their revised version of the latest proof we completed in class.

Period 3: Started the Trapeziod proof and for homework tonight needs to determine if the third figure is a right triangle using a system of equations.

Period 4: Started the Trapeziod proof and for homework tonight needs to determine if the third figure is a right triangle using a system of equations. Also complete the worksheet on simplifying radicals.

Period 6: Students completed and explained Pythagora's proof and must write a formal paragraph proof for homework tonight. Also complete the worksheet on simplifying radicals.

Period 7: Students completed the formal paragraph proof for Pythagora's method and got their paper stamped if it was complete by the end of class. If you did not get a stamp be sure to do it for homework tonight and you can get a stamp and the beginning of class tomorrow. Also, complete the worksheet on simplifying radicals.

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10, 2014

Today in class students critique other students proofs and worked in teams to complete Pythagora's proof

Homework Due 2/11/2014
Period 3 & 4 : Use the visual proof we completed in class and put into a formal paragraph proof using the "Guide to Writing in Mathematics."

Period 6 & 7: Make the necessary corrections to the proof that was returned to you in class today (Bhaskara's Proof #2)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Period 3: Student took quiz 2. Binder and calculator check today.

Period 4-7: Binder check, started Pythagora's Proof

Homework: Take notes on following:
- define a trapezoid and it's characteristics
- how to find the area of a trapezoid
- take down the examples from the textbook

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

Today in class period 3 finished their group project and will reconvene tomorrow to earn their stamps. Period 3 will have a quiz tomorrow related to the homework on page 420 in the textbook #1-20.

Periods 4-7 took Quiz #2 on using Bhaskara's method to proving the Pythagorean Theorem. They also received Quiz #1 and were told there is an opportunity to retake this quiz for a better grade. If a student is interested in retaking this quiz they must make corrections on the original paper and submit it to me no later than February 11th at 2:30 pm.

Homework Due for all periods:
Prepare binder to get checked
Workbook Page 397 #1-16 (use the textbook to help with #s 11-16)
Cornell Notes Study Questions and Summary (use Costa's Level of Questions to label the questions "L" for low level and "H" for high level questions. You must write a minimum of 3 questions.)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014

Today in class we continued to work on developing and solving geometric problems using a system of equations. We reviewed the Bhaskara Proof and I announced that the quiz will be delayed until tomorrow. All students (with the exception of period 3) are expected to be ready to take the quiz tomorrow at the start of class.

Period 3: Homework: Complete Proof #3 (Pythagora's Proof) using the Bhaskara Proof as your model. (Stamp)

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3, 2014

Period 3: Students worked through a warm up problem involving system of equations. Then, worked in groups to revise their writing of their first draft proofs.

Period 4-7: Students worked through a warm up problem involving system of equations. Then were give a model of the way to prove the Pythagorean Theorem using Bhaskara's method.

Period 3: Complete first draft of Pythagora's Proof (#3)

Period 4: Study for quiz tomorrow by memorizing the Proof for Bhaskara (#2)

Period 6: Study for a quiz on system of equations. I recommend to watch the video on Khan Academy. This can be found at

Period 7: Study for quiz tomorrow by memorizing the Proof of Bhaskara (#2)