Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today in class students were given a rubric for the "Building Stairs" Task. The task was due at the end of the period.

Tomorrow students will get ready for a binder check for this upcoming Monday. I will be distributing the pratice test for Chapter 3 on Monday as well.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today in class students were put into collaborative groups to complete a task called "Building Stairs." We will continue the task in class tomorrow. There is no homework assigned for tonight.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today I was out for professional development. In class students were instructed to continue practicing what they learned about the Triangle-Angle Sum Theorem with problems from the textbook. There is no new homework tonight.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today in class we took Quiz 6 on sections 3-2, 3-3 and 3-4.

We continued learning about Triangle Properties and continued Cornell Notes on 3-4.

Homework Due 10/28/13: Textbook page 150 #1-15. Copy diagrams and show all work.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Prepare for Quiz 6 by studying the following:
  • Review homework and warm-up from days 10/21-10/24
  • C-Notes for 3-2, 3-3 and 3-4

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today in class I distributed Quiz 5 and reviewed the answers.

I awarded points to students who completed last night's homework in the Cornell Notebook.

I began lesson 3-4 on Parallel Lines and The Triangle-Angle Sum Theorem

Homework Due 10/25/2013 - Tear out page 299 in the Geometry Workbook, hole punch and put in homework section of your binder. Show all work and put a box around the final answers. Since we did not get to do many examples in class be sure to look at 148 in the Textbook for examples and help.

Tear out and bring Page 311 form the Workbook to class tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today in class we reviewed last night's homework and students took an assessment task called "The Perez Vacation." This assessment will be used to help teachers develop assignments in alignment with the new Smarter Balanced Assessments that are replacing the CSTs. Students earned participation points for taking the assessment.

Homework Due: 10/24
  • Review Cornell Notes from 3-2 and write 3 study questions (at least one high level question) and write a summary. The summary must include what you learned and an answer to the essential question.
  • Review Cornell Notes from 3-3 and write 3 study questions (at least one high level question) and write a summary. The summary must include what you learned and an answer to the essential question.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today in class we will complete Cornell Notes on 3-2 (Proving Lines Parallel) and review the homework from last night.

We will take Cornell Notes on 3-3 (Parallel and Perpendicular Lines)

Homework Due: 10/23/13
Textbook Page 144 #s 14-21. Must draw a diagram for each problem and put a box around final answer.
Today in class we learned how to prove if lines are parallel by using the Converse of the Properties of Parallel Lines.

Quiz 4 was distributed

Homework Due 10/22/13
Page 137 #s 1-4
Challenge Problems: Page 139 #41- 44

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today we took Quiz 5 on using Properties of Parallel Lines to justify answers. I gave time in class for students to get their binders prepared for Monday's binder check.
  • Be prepared for Monday's Binder Check by having the following:
    • Warm-ups (10/16, 10/17) - 2 Points Total
    • UPS check - Classwork Section (5 Points Stamped or Not)
    • Homework (10/14 - Partner Work, 10/15, 10/17) - 6 Points (2 Points for each assignment, 1 for having a stamp and 1 for doing the homework).

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today in class we learned how to determine if lines are parallel based on the Parallel Line Properties. If you did not complete the warm up in class be sure to complete it before the next binder check.

We reviewed homework.

Homework due Friday 10/18: Workbook page 295 *tear out page, 3 hole punch it and put in homework section of binder.

Quiz Tomorrow on Properties of Parallel Lines! Study those Cornell Notes and all the work we did this week. Watch the video for 3-1 if needed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in class we continued learning about Properties of Parallel Lines. We worked in cooperative groups to solve an applied problem using the UPS (check) method. I did not collect the homework from the previous day and will make that assignment due tomorrow 10/16/13

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today in class we graded the pop quiz we took last Friday then retook the same quiz which included identifying if angles are congruent or supplementary. We learned how to write a two column proof and reviewed the definition of the transitive property.

Homework Due 10/15 - Page 131 #14-17, 23-25, 28

Monday, October 14, 2013

Today in class we had student teacher conferences to discuss the following:
  • Chapter 1 Test (returned to students)
  • Progress Report Grade
  • Cornell Notes and Binder Check
During class students worked with a partner on textbook page 137 #5-8 and page 138 #24-25. The last two problems were challenging and will be reviewed in class tomorrow.

Homework due 10/15 - Finish partner work from class today. If you were absent you must complete the assignment for a stamp tomorrow.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Today in class we took a pop quiz on 3-1. We learned about Leveled Questions and I passed out a reference sheet to be used when developing study questions for your Cornell Notes.

Homework Due Monday 10/14/13 - Write study questions, summary and identify any points of confusion with a question mark.

I will be doing a binder check on Monday looking for the following items:
  • Homework - 10/9 Research and report on how parallel lines serve an important purpose in the world
  • Homework - 10/11 Page 131 #11-13
  • Cornell Notes 3-1
  • Summary for 3-1
  • Study Questions for 3-1
If you would like to retake the pop quiz we took on Friday you can come in at lunch on Monday to retake it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today we learned about the Transitive Property of Congruence and how to justify our answers for angle measurement.

Homework Due 10/11/13
Page 131 #11-13. Copy Directions and be sure to justify your answers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Today we began studying chapter 3 section 1 on properties of parallel lines.

Homework due 10/10/13
Research and report on five different ways parallel lines serve an important purpose in our world. Be sure to cite your resources.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Today in class we took the Chapter 1 Test. I also collected h/w.

Homework: Open the following link and copy the 8 slides in your Cornell Notes. Answer the "Essential Question" the best you can and be prepared to share your response in class tomorrow.

If you have problems opening this link look for the icon of an arrow pointing down in the upper left hand corner of the screen. When you click on that arrow it will download the Power Point and you should be able to open it from there.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Today in class we worked in groups on completing the Chapter 1 Practice test. Homework due tomorrow Oct. 8th - Page 71 #1-9 and Page 72 #19-31

The answers below are meant for you to check your work.
1. Coplanar
2. Segment
3. Congruent
4. Midpoint
5. Angle Bisector
6. Conjecture
7. Postulate or Axiom
8. Parallel Lines
9. Obtuse Angle

Answers may vary. I only give one example of acceptable answers here:
19. Line AQ and Line QR
20. A, Q and R
21. Plane AQTD and Plane BRSC
22. Line AD, Line TD, Line CD
23. Always
24. Sometimes
25. Never
26. Always
27. -7, 3
28. 0.5
29. m=15
30. x = 31
31. a. Angle ADB, Angle BDC
b. Angle ADE, Angle EDF
c. Angle ADC, Angle EDF

If you have any questions email them to me at

Friday, October 4, 2013

Today we completed lesson 1-6 on Supplementary, Complementary, Adjacent and Vertical Angles. We reviewed the homework and made corrections in clas.

I distributed the CHAPTER 1 PRACTICE TEST today. We will review it Monday for another in class review and the test will be on Tuesday Oct. 8th

If you are absent and would like to see the review email me at

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today we continued learning more about angles and another method for measuring them.

Since I have moved the test to next week I will be giving a short quiz on what we have learned this week.

Homework Due 10/3 Page 40-41 #16-40.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today in class I distributed Quiz 3 and went over the answers and how it was graded. You will see all parts of that quiz on the test this Friday so be sure to use it as a study tool.

We discussed the importance of estimation skills and the consequences of poor estimation skills.

We learned how to properly and acurately measure angles.

Homework Due 10/3 - Page 40 #1-14. If you are unable to do some problems, copy the problem down and be prepared to ask questions in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today we reviewed the Midpoint task we worked on yesterday in class. Homework due tomorrow 10/2 is to complete the Angle Measuring and Angle Creating worksheet.

If you are absent you can print the sheet (see the link for the worksheet in yesterday's post). If you did not yet copy the notes for 1-6 be sure to do that for class tomorrow. The link for the notes can be found in yesterday's post.