Monday, September 30, 2013

Today we worked on measuring segments. I attached today's lesson here. The only slide we got through today was the "Warm-Up" slide. The warm-up task is very similar to the performance task you will see on the Test this Friday, so be sure to study the work we did today and come to class tomorrow prepared with any questoins you still have.

We will be starting lesson 1-6 tomorrow. Your homework tonight is to copy the notes form the link below. You start copying on slide 3 where you see the heading of lesson 1-6 at the top. Do not copy the last slide that says summary until after I have lectured to you about the notes.

The link below is the work will be doing as classwork on 10/1. If you are absent from class print out the pages from the link below. You need a protractor to complete this assignment.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

This is a reminder that I will be doing FOR CREDIT binder and notebook checks this Monday 9/30/2013. I will be looking for the following: Cornell Notes (Specifically Study Questions and Summaries) Dividers in your binder and papers stored in the correct section Use of planner to record homework If you missed lesson 1-5 here is a link to view what we discussed in class.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today in class we finished our notes from 1-5. We practiced using the Segment Addition Postulate and Using the Midpoint to find the lengths of segments.

The following is the items you need to study for Quiz 3 tomorrow.

Study Guide
  • p.26 #25-33
  • p.33 #1-12
  • Ruler Postulate and how to use it
  • Skew and Parallel Lines
On Monday I am going to check your Cornell Notes and Binder. I will be checking to see if you wrote questions and a summary for notes on 1-4 and 1-5.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today in class we:
  • Reviewed page 26 #25-33 with a partner and discussed the answers in class
  • Debriefed what a "Quality Repitition" looks like and how to ensure students are using their notes effectively
  • Distrbuted Quiz 2
  • Began lesson 1-5 on Measuring Segments
If you were absent you must come in at lunch to get the information that was missed.

Homework Due 9/26/13
Page 33. #1-19 (If you are unable to complete the homework come to class with questions. I must see evidence that you set up your homework and attempted to complete it.)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In class today we watched a video on Cornell Note Taking. While watching the video we worked on answering the following essential question, "How can Cornell Notes help me make better grades?"

We also completed notes from section 1-4.

Homework Due 9/25/13
  • Write a summary for the Cornell Notes we took today in class.
    • A summary can include the following:
      • What did we do in class?
      • What did we learn in class?
      • What questions (points of confusion) do I have about what we learned in class?
      • What connection can you make between the topics we took notes today in class? (for example, what do Segments, Rays, Parallel and Skew lines have in common?)
  • Textbook page 26 #16-23 & #25-33

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today in class we started section 1-4 on Segments, Rays, Parallel Lines and Planes. 

Homework Due 9/24/13

Page 25 #s 1-15 Be sure to copy directions and diagrams. If you have a hard time answering some questions be sure to look at the examples in the textbook and be prepared to ask me in class tomorrow. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework Due 9/20/13

Study for Quiz 2
  • Postulates 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4
  • Algebraic Rule for the River Problem and know how to use it.
    • 4a + 2(c-1) -1 = Number of Trips
I will also be checking your binder and notebook

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homework Due 9/19/13

Page 20 #11-37 *copy all directions and diagrams

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homework Due 9/18/13

Page 19 #1-10 *Copy directions, questions and diagram.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework Due 9/17/2013

Today you were assigned one of the following vocabulary words:
  • Plane
  • Coplanar
  • Collinear
Complete the Frayer Model graphic organizer we created in class to become an "expert" with your assigned vocabulary word. You will be expected to teach your peers the meaning of this word. You are also expected to use the Geometry textbook as well as the Internet to complete this assignment. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homework Due: 9/13/2013

Complete the "Crossing the River"task on the poster. Show the number of trips required to complete the task. Be sure to highlight the pattern that occurs for adults and the pattern that occurs for the students.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homework Due: 9/11/2013 
If you were in class today your task is to come up with a different method of solving the "Crossing the River" problem. Your goal is to beat the number of times you were able to get all of the adults and children to the other side of the river. See if you can come up with the least number of trips possible. Be sure to follow the rules in the prompt. 

If you were absent from class because you attended the assembly or were ill be sure to complete numbers 1 and 2 and be prepared to join a group who has already been working on this problem.

Crossing the River

You are on a camping trip with your family and your friend's family during a summer vacation. Your party consists of six adults and four children. While on a hike, you come upon a river that you will need to cross in order to continue on your hiking trail. At the edge of the river your friend’s father finds a small boat. It can accommodate only one adult at a time. Or it can accommodate at most two children. It will not hold one adult and one child at the same time. Everyone is capable of rowing the boat.

Part A
  1. How many one-way trips does it take for every one to reach the other side of the river? Around trip counts as two one-way trips. Be sure to obey the safety rules about the number of passengers that can be in the boat at one time.
  2. Draw a visual of the crossing operation so someone who looked at your diagram would understand how you arrived at your answer to question #1. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Homework Due 9/10/13
Review syllabus with a parent and bring the one sheet signed to school.

Homework Due 9/5/2013
Textbook Page 6 #19-22 and Page 7 #31-36, 40.
Write directions and show all work. Put a box around your final answer.

*If you are new to my class and Friday was your first day with me you have until 9/13 to complete this assignment.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Math Autobiography
10 Points Due Thursday 9/5/2013

Purpose of the Assignment:  As your teacher, I want to get to know you as a person and as a student of mathematics.  This will help me better meet your needs.  

Content:  Your autobiography should address the four sections listed below.  I’ve listed some questions to help guide you, but please don’t just go through and answer each question separately.  The questions are just to help get you thinking.  Remember the purpose of the paper.  Write about the things that will give me a picture of you.  The key to writing a good piece is to give lots of detail.  See the example below:

Not enough detail:  I hated math in fourth grade, but it got better in sixth grade.

Good detail:  I hated math in fourth grade because I had trouble learning my multiplication tables.  I was really slow at doing problems, and I was always the last one to finish the timed tests.  It was really embarrassing. …

Section 1:  Introduction
·      How would you describe yourself?
·      Where are you from?  How did you decide to attend Point Loma High School?
·      A description of your family
·      Where you have lived?
·      Where you have traveled?
·      Where have you attended school and what are your college and career goals?
·      What are your interests outside of school such as hobbies, special talents or sports?

Section 2:  Experience with Math
·      What have your experiences in math classes been like?
·      How do you feel about math?
·      In what ways have you used math outside of school?
·      A description of a class (can be any subject) you remember where learning was safe and enjoyable

Section 3:  Learning Styles and Habits (specifically for math)
·      How do you learn best?
·      What do you do when you get “stuck”?
·      Do you ask for help?  From whom?
·      Describe some of your study habits.  For example:  Do you take notes?  Are they helpful?  Are you organized?  Do you procrastinate?  Do you read the text?

Section 4:  The Future
·      What are your expectations for this course?
·      What are your responsibilities as a student in this course?  What do you expect from your instructor?
·      What are your educational and life goals?
·      How does this course fit into your educational goals?

Assignment Requirements
·      1 inch margins
·      12 point type
Minimum length: 1 Full Page

Your paper needs to have the following information in the upper right corner:
Your name
Math Autobiography
Course name

Grading:  This paper will not be graded for writing style and composition in the same way that you would be graded in a writing course, but I do expect proper spelling and grammatical usage.  If this is an issue for you, have someone proof read it for you.  I am happy to proof read papers that are brought to me during my office hours.  I will be using the following rubric.

·      Each section is fully covered and includes relevant detail.

8 (2 points per section)
·      1-inch margins, 12 pt type
·      Minimum length (1 page)